The katsurahama beach

Home Shikoku Kochi Prefecture Kochi City The katsurahama beach

 It is a scenic area like the miniature garden where there are Hama, rock and a pinery.It faces the Pacific Ocean.It is known as the sight to see of the enjoying of the moon.There is an image of Sakamoto Ryoma who heads for the ocean on the Pacific Ocean.It is the manly appearance which seems to be the noble-minded patriot of the restoration.

Location  Kochi Prefecture Kochi City Urado
Institution  Sakamoto Ryoma museum, Katsurahama-aquarium, the Tosa fighting dog center
Traffic  If going from the Setochuuoujidoushadou and Sakaide north IC, it is 3 kilometers north.
Parking  Being (The charged)
Reference  The Kochi City office of tourism