The Amanoiwato shrine

Home Kyushu Miyazaki Prefecture Nishiusuki District Takachiho-cho The Amanoiwato shrine

 The Inc. to deify Amaterasu OmikamiNishimoto sign is deifying Amaterasu Omikami.The divine object of Higashimoto sign is a cave and Amaiwa shop door.The Amaiwa shop door is in the opposite shore on Iwato river.Amaterasu Omikami seems to want to hide a body in the Amaiwa shop door.The Amaiwa shop door is the precincts of a Shinto shrine.It isn't possible to enter.When wanting to go and worship, let's apply to the office at the shrine for the guide.

Location  Miyazaki Prefecture Nishiusuki District Takachiho-cho Iwato
Institution  -
Traffic  If going from Takachiho downtown, it is about 7 kilometers in the prefectural highway 7 number line or the prefectural highway 204 number line.
Parking  Being (Free of charge)
Reference  The Takachiho-cho office of tourism