JR Ikutora station

Home The North Hokkaido Minamifurano-cho JR Ikutora station

 This JR station is the location place of the movie, "the railroader".In the movie, it was a name, the hood dance station.This station became an unmanned railroad station from 2003.The station clerical room becomes the museum of the movie to the opportunity to have become an unmanned railroad station and the photograph of the location and the clothes which the actor was putting on are decorated.The location set is left just as it is and in front of the station, it can go into the world of the movie to the hilt.If wanting to enter the world of the movie, being true, it goes at night when snow piled up and it is a recommendation.

Location  Hokkaidou Minamifurano-cho
Institution  The 1st floor of the buildings which are in the front with the bench, the movie museum, the restroom entering from the national road
Traffic  The passage of the national road 38 number line "Ikutora"It understands if going according to the sign to the area.
Parking  It stops in front of the station, too, but it enters from the nationalroad and there is a parking space in the right. (Free of charge)
Reference  Minamifurano-cho public office